
Welcome to Artonomy, the portfolio blog of Ishaan Kumar. In case you're wondering who I am, over to the left is what you should read first. This blog contains my animated works, illustrations and logo designs. If you're looking for an artist, this is also the place where you may view my animation demoreel and read my resumé. Feel free to contact me using the appropriate tab. I hope you like what you see here.

Animated Films

1. Triumph of the Spill (2011): My thesis film at NYU Tisch Asia. Made using a not-to-well-known 3D animation technique called 'metaballs', an ingenious technique for viscous fluid simulation.

Triumph of the Spill (original version) from Ishaan Kumar on Vimeo.

2. The Snake and the Scorched Earth (2010): This was a short children's film made in collaboration with a fellow NYU film student. Stop-motion animation with digitally drawn backgrounds.

3. Blotted Philosophy (2009): My first ever animated short film. I drew the frames in Adobe Photoshop and timed them out on After Effects.